實際上我團隊裡的一位女士就遇到這種情況。 她被[AI]安置在一個不繳會費的女孩下面。
現在,她傘下有3000人,無論她有沒有招募任何人,她都會得到報酬。 這有什麼關係?
👉🏻,她現在每月至少可以獲得 750 美元的報酬,每個月都是如此,僅僅因為她擁有 9.95 美元/月的會員資格!
這是如此不同,因為錢每個月都在累積增長,絕不會在月底被"刷新"。 是的,對大多數人來說,這是一場漫長的遊戲,但它是值得的!!不過現在的人們思維如此短視,實在令人沮喪。🙈
🛑停下來思考一下。 唯一的成本是一次性的聯盟費用$40,以及每月的會費$9.95。這個會員資格將為您省錢 ,幾乎可以保證每月為您節省超過 10 美元以上! 溢出效應是不能保證的…你必須知道並理解這一點…並明白這是一門生意。如果你想賺錢,就必須為自己採取行動,並與盡可能多的人分享這些資訊。
從長遠來看,溢出效應會發生的。 在此期間,我會不斷分享免費的 5 分鐘導覽,並為我的團隊創造溢出! “我說!
同時,我的團隊每一週、每個月都在壯大,我的收入超過了我的支出。 我正在創造終生的被動收入,你也可以! !
This actually happened with a lady in my team. She was placed under a girl that QUIT paying her membership. 🤯😱😢
She would now have 3,000 people under her that she would be paid on whether she sponsored anyone or not. Why does that matter???
👉🏻She would be paid at least $750/month right now, every month, just for having a $9.95/month membership!
This is SO DIFFERENT, because the money COMPOUNDS every month and never “flushes out” at the end of a month.
Yes, for most folks it is a long game, but it is worth it!! It is frustrating that people think so small these days. 🙈
🛑STOP AND THINK About this.
The ONLY cost is a one-time affiliate fee of $40, and a monthly membership of $9.95. The membership WILL save you money — almost guaranteed it will save you more than $10/month!
Spillover is NOT guaranteed… You have to know and understand that…and understand this is a business. If you want to make money, you will take action for yourself and share this information with as many people as you can.
I’ve had ZERO spillover… until now.
That doesn’t matter and you will never hear me complain.
Over the long haul, spillover will happen. In the meantime, I will sharing the free 5 minute tour and will create spillover for my team!!
In the meantime, my team is growing weekly and monthly, and I’m being paid more than I spend. I am building lifetime residual income, and you can too!!