每天只要花 1–2 小時
- 閱讀充電丨每天讀 10–15 頁好書,增長知識、激發靈感!
- 通勤大學丨開車上下班的時間拿來聽有聲書、勵志演講、培訓錄音,讓路途變充電站!
社群經營祕訣 (多平台經營效益加倍喔!)
01.新增名單丨每天新增 20-30 位目標好友 (10 分鐘)
02.分批私訊丨 每天分批發送 40-50 條訊息,一次 10 條,起床前發 10 條,早餐時再發 10 條,午餐時發 10 條,晚餐時再發 10 條(30分鐘)
03.社團養粉丨 不要直接銷售,加入你的目標客群的社團,要每天發文互動、分享專業知識,建立信任感。 (5 分鐘)
04.直播加溫丨建立信任,每天進行一次 Facebook 直播,和新粉絲聊天互動,累積好感度! (5–30 分鐘)
05.分享故事丨 多分享有趣的故事、生活體驗,而不是一直業配,培養你的追蹤者人數。 (5 分鐘)
06.好友互動丨每天至少隨機互動、留言、按讚 50位朋友的貼文,增加曝光率。(10 分鐘)
Daily Method of Operation - working 1-2 hours a day in your spare time
- Read 10-15 pages of a good book every single day
- Drive time University: All drives to and from work should be time for audio books, listening to motivational speakers, recorded trainings etc.
Social media: (perform on multiple platforms for added bonus)
1. Start adding 20-30 highly targeted new friends every day (10 min)
2. Message 40-50 people a day in increments of 10 at a time, start before your feet hit the floor, message 10, then at breakfast message 10 more, at lunch 10 more, at dinner 10 more... (30 min)
3. Find a group in your target market and begin daily posting for engagement, become a group expert, don't constantly openly share about your business. (5 min)
4. Do one Facebook live every single day to develop know like and trust with all your new followers. (5-30 min)
5. Tell more stories on FB, don't waste time posting about your business. Cultivate your following. (5 min)
6. Interact on a minimum of 50 random friends posts, comment, heart, etc to create a massive increase in views (10 min)
7. Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate, what every you do, create leverage for them to do.