
LiveGood Compensation Plan


At LiveGood, your health and wellness will always be our number one focus. That’s why we eliminate the middle man, to make the highest quality products on the planet available to our customers and members for a fraction of the price of the competition.

And on top of the huge savings you get when you purchase any of our life-changing products, we also give you the opportunity to earn income with the most exciting compensation plan in the industry!

In fact, you can earn up to $2,047.50 per MONTH without ever enrolling a single person!

And if you decide to share our amazing products and compensation plan with others, you can earn even more!




For each person who you refer to LiveGood who becomes a member and an affiliate for $49.95, we will reward you with a $25 commission paid out the very next week!

Plus, if any of the people you enroll choose to enroll others, not only will they be rewarded, but you will also receive additional bonus commissions up to 10 levels deep.

Level/Rank Unranked Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
1 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
2   10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
3     5% 5% 5% 5%
4     5% 5% 5% 5%
5       3% 3% 3%
6       2% 2% 2%
7         2% 2%
8         1% 1%
9           1%
10           1%

Weekly Fast Start Commissions are paid out on the first month’s membership and on the $40.00 affiliate sign up fee. So you will receive $5 for any new members that you refer, plus $20 for any new affiliates you refer. Since many people join as both a member AND an affiliate, you will receive BOTH of those amounts for a total of $25 paid out the very next week!


When you lock in your position in LiveGood, you are given your own business center in our fast filling 2×15 Matrix! As more people join LiveGood every week, they are placed in the matrix UNDER everyone who is already in there, following their enroller. So the sooner you lock in your position, the higher your position will be in the matrix.

Earnings Per Level Unranked Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
1 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
2 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
3 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
4 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
5 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
6 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
7 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
8 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
9 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
10 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
11 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
12 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
13   2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
14       2.50% 2.50% 2.50%
15           2.50%
Total $2,047.50 $4,095.50 $4,095.50 $8,191.50 $8,191.50 $16,383.50

All percentages are based on monthly $9.95 membership fees. Commissions for Members who join at the yearly option will be paid out over 12 months as $9.95 per month.

Matrix Commissions and Matching Bonuses are paid Monthly the first week of each month for the previous month’s Matrix volume. Remember, the first month’s Membership is paid out in Fast Start Commissions only. So Matrix volume starts to accumulate on Members’ second month Membership and beyond.

Example: If you joined LiveGood in January and you have 50 Members under you in the Matrix in January, you would not earn a matrix commission for January because only Fast Start Commissions are paid on first month Memberships. Assuming all 50 of those Members remained active in February, you would receive your first Matrix commission the first week of March for those 50 Members in your Matrix who paid their second month Memberships in February.

If another 100 Members were placed in your Matrix in February, for a total of 150 active Members in your Matrix, for the Matrix commissions that go out first week of March for February Matrix volume, you would be paid on 150 Members in your Matrix (50 who paid their 3rd month Membership, and 100 who paid their second month Membership).

Keep in mind, in this example all 150 Members were under you in the matrix in February. But you only got paid on 50 of them for that month, because those 50 paid their second month Membership, while the other 100 who joined in February, their first month Memberships were paid out in Fast Start Commissions. So if you see people under you in the Matrix that you didn’t earn Matrix commissions on this month, that means that was their first month and only Fast Start Commissions were paid on their first Membership. You will be paid Matrix commissions on them next month and beyond.


As HUGE as the Fast Start Commissions and Matrix Bonuses are, our Matching Bonuses are even BIGGER!

On top of the $2,047.50 or up to 16,383.50 that you can earn in your personal matrix, you will also match 50% of the matrix commissions on everyone you enroll, AND a percentage everyone those people enroll FIVE ENROLLMENT GENERATIONS DEEP, regardless of where they fall in your matrix!

Rank 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation
Personally Enrolled 50%        
Silver 10% 10%      
Gold 5% 5% 5%    
Platinum 5% 5% 5% 5%  
Diamond 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%

Example: If you have 10 personally enrolled people who are each earning $6,000 per month in their matrix, you will match 50% of what they earn in their matrix. That means you will earn a $3,000 matching bonus on each of them every month, for a total of $30,000 (10 people x $3,000 each) in commissions just on those 10 people alone. And that doesn’t include what you will earn in YOUR matrix, PLUS potentially hundreds or thousands of other people you could be matching in our other generations!

If you are a Platinum, for example, you will also get the Gold and Silver Generation Matches. So someone on your 2nd Silver generation, may also be your First Generation Gold, and your First Generation Platinum, so you would get a 10% 2nd Generation Silver Match, a 5% 1st Generation Gold Match, AND a 5% 1st Generation Platinum Match on that persons entire matrix!

There is no limit as to how many people you can match, or how much you can earn in matching bonuses!

Matrix Commissions and Matching Bonuses are paid out the first week of each month for the previous month’s volume starting your SECOND MONTH, as all initial orders are paid out in Fast Start Commissions.


Each one of our life-changing products has a Member price and a Retail price. While most people choose to take advantage of our amazing membership for just $9.95 per month so they can save much more with Member pricing, some people may just want to make purchases at Retail prices.

As an affiliate of LiveGood any time one of your referrals makes a purchase as a Retail Customer, you will earn 50% of the difference between the Member price and the Retail price.

Retail Commissions are paid following the same payout structure as Fast Start Commissions. Unlike Fast Start Commissions that are only paid out one time, Retail Commissions can be earned unlimited times every time a Retail Customer places an order.

Level/Rank Unranked Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
1 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
2   10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
3     5% 5% 5% 5%
4     5% 5% 5% 5%
5       3% 3% 3%
6       2% 2% 2%
7         2% 2%
8         1% 1%
9           1%
10           1%

Example: If you refer a new customer who chooses to pay the Retail price for a product for $24 for example, and the member price for that product is $16, the difference between the Member price and the Retail price is $8. So at the 50% level you would earn a $4 commission on that person’s purchase.


For Affiliates who choose to market products to Retail Customers on a larger scale, you will earn additional bonuses on all of that volume. In fact, you will earn up to 100% of the difference between the Member price and the Retail price on all orders by your referred Retail Customers.

Influencer Bonuses are paid exclusively based on Personally Enrolled Retail Volume per month, regardless of rank.

Total Retail Sales per Month Additional Commissions Total Commissions on Personal Customers
$2,500 10% 60%
$5,000 20% 70%
$10,000 30% 80%
$25,000 40% 90%
$50,000 50% 100%

Example: If you have over $25,000 in Retail Customer Volume in a given month, and the Member Pricing for that volume totals $17,000, for example, the difference between the Member Price and the Retail Price is $8,000. You will earn 50% ($4,000) in Retail Commissions, plus an additional 40% ($3,200) in Influencer Bonuses for a total of $7,200 in commissions on that volume!


Our affiliates are a huge part of the success of our company. We recognize that and want to reward you even more by allowing you to share in the total sales of the entire company. Once you achieve Diamond rank, you will share in 2% of total company sales every month!


2% split between all qualified Diamond ranked members

2% of the total sales of all membership and product sales gets divided evenly between all qualified Diamond ranked affiliates and paid out with monthly commissions.



Must have 2 personally enrolled active members.


Must have 10 personally enrolled active members plus a total of 20 active members on your team, or 3 separate enroller tree legs each with a Bronze ranked Affiliate plus a total of 20 active members in your team.


Must have 30 personally enrolled active members plus a total of 100 active members in your team, or 3 separate enroller tree legs with a Silver ranked Affiliate plus a total of 100 active members in your team.


Must have 100 personally enrolled active members plus a total of 500 active members in your team, or 3 separate enroller tree legs with a Gold ranked Affiliate plus a total of 500 active members in your team.


Must have 3 separate enroller tree legs with a Platinum ranked Affiliate, plus a total of 2,500 active members in your team.

*Active members are members who placed an order for the current month.

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#在家工作,賺錢,網路,雲端,兼差,找工作,vemma,失業,直銷,傳銷,多層次傳銷,維瑪,電子商務,財務自由,商務,財務自由,健康食品,健康生活,保健,網路賺錢,財富,財富第六波,財富第五波,網拍,網路工作,傳直銷,網賺,第二收入,創業,網路創業,兼職,第二專長,生財系統,居家網路創業,增加收入,>健康食品,健康生活,保健,網路賺錢,家庭事業,商機,終生保障收入,自動化行銷,排隊拿錢,在家工作系統,網路創業系統,網路兼差,網路行銷,夢想,超越巔峰,賓果,樂透,威力彩,賺錢,癌症,蔬果,維生素,礦物質,植物素,胺基酸,抗癌,營養補充,紫色悠遊,悠遊天空,超級店長,世代,不加班,幸福微革命,關鍵字,瘦身,減肥,減重,窈窕,美麗,健康,產後,運動,代餐,生活,美食,腰圍,蝴蝶袖,游泳圈,小蠻腰,月亮臉,水桶腰,肥胖,胖子,肥嘟嘟,胖嘟嘟,小象隊,財富,睡覺,困擾,體重,纖維,食物,油脂,發胖,油炸,甜食,暴飲暴食,洋芋片,鹹酥雞,消夜,健身房,在家工作系統,體內環保,排便,奇膳元素,酵素,膠原淨亮酵素包,便秘,能量飲料,熬夜,提神,紅牛,可口可樂,年輕人,你累了嗎,不讓你睡,康貝特,蠻牛,白馬,馬力夯,汽水,打牌,麻將,咖啡因,天然,水果,碳酸飲料,酒精,考生,開車,少林寺,精神百倍,偉恩,茶,綠茶,天然食補,老虎牙子,恍神,精神不濟,保肝茶,黃蓮,降火氣,保力達,夜貓子,瓜拿納,人參,群,消除疲勞,機能飲料,黑麥汁,偉士比,大丈夫,疲勞,超時工作,爆肝,精力湯,雞精,勞力,雞尾酒,>打瞌睡,威豹,昏沉,牛磺酸,贩卖机,免費,顧客計,美白,膠原蛋白,美容,美女,帥哥,年輕,脈衝光,激活,美顏,亮白,光亮,白皙,透光,晶瑩,晶瑩涕透,化妝品,歐雷,護膚,咖啡,椰奶,阿拉比卡,羅布絲塔,水果茶,無糖,運動飲料,電解質,精胺酸,威爾剛,犀利士,馬拉松,運動,游泳,心臟,血管,保護心臟保濕,舒張氫,蜜露珂娜、芝麻素,Q10,珊瑚鈣,魚油,酵素,葳美佳,金萃類胎盤素,逆齡精華,金箔,重返年輕,醫美保養品,黃金,蘋果幹細胞,柳橙幹細胞,五胜肽,類胎盤生長因子,彈性蛋白,新陳代謝,敏感,脆弱,水嫩,拉提,逆齡,美容儀,鍍金,離子化,熱能,微震動,真皮層,超音波,左旋,亮白,精華液,美容,保養,抗皺,修復,眼膠,肌膚,美容儀,玻尿酸,三效精華液,金萃類胎盤素,逆齡精華,玫瑰果杍,活膚潔面乳,復活爽膚水,蜂蜜潤澤,去角質凝膠,水活深成層,保濕凝露,水漾防護,隔離霜,煥膚,光彩,夜間,面膜,抗皺修復眼膠,瞬效活顏緊緻霜,左旋,亮白精華液,青春精華液﹑純天然植物性成分,不含防腐劑,不含人工添加物,通過安定性測試,各項嚴格標準檢驗,山苦瓜萃取濃縮液,白木耳,共軛亞麻油酸,CLA,多種膳食纖維,白藜蘆醇,綠茶兒茶素,木寡糖,綜合酵素,專利複方組成,#VMABEAU,玫瑰果籽油,活膚,潔面乳,清潔,淨化舒緩壓力,豐盈細緻,容貌,自然光澤,清新,復活爽膚水,緊緻,活力,均衡,保濕因子,保濕水感,溫和,無酒精,值,防護,力鼠尾草,洋甘菊,木瓜,黃瓜,柳橙,水活深成層,保濕,凝露,玻尿酸,白藜蘆醇,植物抗毒素,撫平細紋,蜂蜜,潤澤,去角質,凝膠,磨砂膏,舒緩,刺激,防止,粉刺,抗菌,治療,清除,阻塞,毛細孔,滋潤,調理,質純,柔細,清爽,不油膩,香草,氣味,老廢,角質,水漾,防護,全面,保護,防曬乳,紫外線,長波,中波,短波,瞬效,活顏,緊緻霜,眼袋,彈性,豐潤,胜肽,阿薩伊果,臉部,紋路,橡皮擦,玻尿酸,三效,精華液,淡化,皺紋,晶亮,光澤,均勻,膚色,抗皺,修復,黎麥籽,花竹柏,咖啡因,柔嫩,眼周,眼睛,角鯊烷,黑眼圈,煥膚,光彩,夜間,面膜,高透氣性,防水,不易脫落,青春,精華液,色素斑,西酸模,熊果苷,酪胺酸脢,色素沉澱,表皮色素細胞,魚油,聖希諾,瑞典,北歐,顧心臟、抗發炎、變聰明、防憂鬱,亞麻籽油 在家工作 | 網路創業 | 如新 | 安麗 | 慢性病 | 防老 | 營養計畫 | 肝病 | 癌症 | 痛風 | 賀寶芙 | 財富第五波 | 兼差 | 媽媽兼職 | 全職媽媽 | 退休金 | 窮爸爸富爸爸 | 持續性收入 | 被動收入 | 家庭計畫 | 媽媽可以在家做的工作 | vemma | 維瑪 | 聯盟營銷 | 網路營銷 | 聯盟行銷 | 網路行銷 | 傳銷 | 直銷 | 聯盟行銷 | 策略行銷 | 行銷 | 葳美佳 | vmalife | 退休方式 | 引薦計畫 | 加盟展 | 創業平台 | soho創業 | 事業計畫 | 加盟創業 | 創業商機 | 兼職創業 | 賺錢平台 | 在家創業 | 網路平台 | SOHO族 | 宅經濟 | 在家創業 | 部落格賺錢 | soho | 財務自由 | 財務計劃 | 自在生活 | 百萬年薪 | 富裕生活 | 快速致富 | 秘密 | 成功 | 網創 | 網路工作 | 網絡商機 | 網路創業 | 網絡生意 | 網路事業 | 網絡賺錢 | 網賺 | 網路開店 | 網絡創業 | 網絡商機 | 網路空間 | 網絡營銷 | 低成本行銷 | 低成本創業 | 小本創業 | 小額加盟 | 打工 | 兼職收入 | 兼職機會 | 兼職加薪 | 替自己加薪 | 打工賺錢 | 兼職 | 兼職創業 | 商業資訊 | 加盟開店 | 賺錢方法 | 旅行 | 職場第二春 | 事業經營 | 免費試用 | 電子商務 | 人生規劃 | 加盟小吃攤 | 當老板 | 自由 | 宅經濟 | 系統跟進 | 健康 | 財富 | 自由 | 退休計畫 | 痞克邦 | 月光族 | 職場甘苦談 | 額外收入 | 投資 | 全球事業 | 科士威 | 保健 | 癌症 | GDI | 雲端事業 | 賺錢 | 投資理財 | 退休計畫 | 業務 | 兼職工作 | 賺錢系統 | 減重 | 減肥 | 致富方法 | 玫琳凱 | 投資理財 | 股市 | 房地產 | 羅伯特.T.清崎 | 創業 | 吸引力法則 | 保健食品 | 旅遊 | 自由行 | 綠加利 | 基金 | 專業技術 | 期貨 | 黃金 | 賀寶芙 | 雙鶴 | 康寶萊 | 丞燕 | 加盟體系 | 找工作 | 104人力銀行 | 1111人力銀行 | 518人力銀行 | 永久 | 雅芳 | 克麗緹娜 | 營養補給 | 財富革命 | 批貨大街 | 批貨網 | 在家工作系統 | 在家創業系統 | 在家兼職工作 | 加盟 | 網路加盟 | 加盟事業 | 網路直銷 | 美樂家 | 創業投資 | 傳直銷 | 體重控制 | 減肥 | 減重 | 連鎖加盟 | 女生創業 | 家庭代工 | 創業網 | 免費試用 | 網路商店 | 如何創業 | 青年創業 | 微型創業 | 網路商店系統 | 大陸創業 | 代理加盟 | 代理商 | 尋找加盟商 | 如何開店 | 如何網路開店 | 加盟展 | 創業展 | 小額加盟 | yes123 | 羅伯特.T.清崎 | 副業 | 負債翻身 | 網拍 | 美安 | 國民年金 | USANA | 山竹果 | 保健產品 | 生涯規劃 | 保養 | 打造人生財富 | 第一桶金 | 求職轉職 | 防癌抗老 | 居家網路事業 | 數位行銷 | 關鍵字行銷 | 免加盟金 | 求職轉職 | 自動印鈔機 | 美樂家 | 兼差達人 | 招聘 | 24小時系統 | 網路傳直銷 | 抗癌 | 電子商務 | 終生收入 | 免推銷在家工作機會 | 在家工作賺錢 | 網路拍賣 | 如何利用網路賺錢 | 網路行銷 新趨勢 | 如何網路創業 | 網路商店平台 | 網路賺錢自動化 | 在家兼職工作 | 網路創業課程 | 兼差打工 | 創業顧問 | 在家工作系統 | 網路商店經營 | 加盟開店 | 購物 | 批貨 | 小禮堂網路商店 | 如何網路開店 | 雅芳 | 如何開網路商店 | 網路創業包 | 順發3c購物網 | usana | 85度c加盟 | avon | 591 | 免費加盟 | 在家工作創業系統 | 美商gdi | 網賺論壇 | new skin | wfh在家工作系統 | 賀寶芙討論 | 打工機會 | 賀寶芙含鉛 | 創業心得 | 如何賺大錢 | 安麗直銷 | 批貨創業 | 打工網 | 中年失業 | 賀寶芙台灣分公司 | herbalife賀寶芙 | 批發 | google adsense 賺錢 | 餐飲加盟店 | google adsense | 富邦momo | 購物中心 | 在家打工 | 開店達人 | momo 購物台 | 交友 | 拍賣 | 租屋網 | 創業計畫書範例 | 網路商店架設 | 免費網路商店 | 部落格行銷 | 網路賺錢工具大全 | 598 | 免費 | QSTR | 增加收入 | 美容加盟 | 加盟店 | 連鎖加盟 | 飲料加盟 | 富爸爸辭職創業 | 工作機會 | 魔獸世界 | 遊戲賺錢 | 網路開店平台 | MDC | MDCbuilder | vemmabuilder | 自動火燒系統 | 自動進人系 |#livegood

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